František Kupka, La vía del silencio, ca. 1903, óleo sobre tela. Sin otros datos
According to Audrey Wagtberg Hansen in her article "Cold Gods and Fatal Women./ The Many Faces of the Sphinx in the 19th Century", Kupka's Way of Silence was "inspired by the poem Dream-land by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), [where] we see a lone traveller on a seemingly endless road under a starry sky, flanked by two rows of stone sphinxes. A Latin text on the pedestal of the front sphinx, 'QUAD AD CAUSUM SUMUS' (= why are we?), again poses a life-and-death question."
Botticelli, Adoración del Niño con Juan el Bautista, ca. 1490,
témpera y óleo sobre madera, 68 cm de diámetro. Museo de Arte de Cleveland