

domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Anciana de pie

Vilhelm Hammershøi, Anciana de pie junto a una ventana, 1885, óleo sobre tela, 35 x 37 cm, The Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhague

(Click sobre la imagen para ampliar)

Leemos por ahí: "In 1904, Rainer Maria Rilke, intending to write an essay about Hammershoi, in turn paid him a visit at home. The Austrian poet remarked that conversation was difficult with this taciturn man. Hammershoi's reluctance to talk was matched by a quasi-monachal rejection of the joyous trappings of our world. Before moving into their Strandgade apartment, he and his wife had the paneling, the moldings, the doors and the windows painted white. The colored areas of the walls and ceilings were coated in gray, and the wide floorboards stained dark brown - the very tonalities favored by the painter in his pictures. Not surprisingly his friends suspected that he suffered from neurasthenia. Concerning a man who led the life of a recluse, and declined to appear in public, whether at museum openings or theatrical performances, the suspicion may have been founded."