

martes, 5 de julio de 2016

Inocencio X

Francis Bacon, Estudio según el retrato del Papa Inocencio X de Velázquez , 1953, óleo sobre tela, 153 x 118 cm. Des Moines Art Center, Iowa

Leemos por ahí: "...we are witness to an avowed atheist squaring up to an heir to St Peter, founder of the Christian Church. The Pope has been utterly robbed of his imperious serenity. He now inhabits a terrible, streaked, shimmery void of unknowing. His papal throne, though still gilded, and boasting certain characteristic decorative features, is transmogrifying – it seems to be happening before our very eyes – into something else, a corral or cage-like shape. The strokes of paint, vertical and then fanning out, could be desperate clawings. The Pope is in the throes of becoming trapped inside that which once served to emphasise his hieratic eminence. The chair on which he sits, fiercely gripping its arms, almost seems to be in motion. It spreads, it weaves about, it encircles, it whip-lashes. It also lacks groundedness, solidity" 

(Michael Glover, The Independent)

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