

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Demonio sentado

Mikhail Vrubel, Demonio sentado, 1890, óleo sobre tela, 212 x 115 cm. Galería Tretyakov, Moscú
(Click sobre la imagen para ampliar)

Leemos por ahí: "Mikhail Vrubel first painted the demon while illustrating a romantic poem by Mikhail Lermontov. Vrubel described him as “a spirit, not so much evil as suffering and sorrowing, but in all that a powerful spirit… a majestic spirit”. But that was only its first incarnation. The dark-eyed demon followed Vrubel his whole life, appearing in his work hunched against a dark sky, conversing with the beautiful Tamara, and finally contorted in agonizing defeat."

Vrubel's Demon is a symbol of our times, neither night nor day, neither dark nor light. — Alexander Blok
